
Subscribe to Chimney Chat

We appreciate all of our members and want to remind you all to subscribe to the content so you are updated when we people post! You will see below where to find this subscription information. If you have any issues with this let me or @brandiCVCSucce...

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MadisonChicken by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Dear valued member, Welcome to Chimney Chat, a group dedicated to discussing all things related to chimneys and fireplaces. We are thrilled to have you join us and look forward to engaging with you on all things chimney related. As a member of our gr...

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MadisonChicken by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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How is everyone combating sickness!?

We here at Fluesbrothers have been struck with a round of COVID related illness. So I'm curious how the rest of people are addressing this? We have been short staffed for weeks and are hoping we're at the end of it!

MadisonChicken by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Share some pictures or some fun things that you did! I'll go first! We went to Dallas, TX to see my little brother. We drove 8 hours and my 7 year old made it there and back without too much compl...

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MadisonChicken by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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How was your weekend?

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? Let's hear about it and see some pics. My husband and I were celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary. We went to Cedar Cove, a large cat sanctuary. It was my first time seeing a lion with an actual mane...



What is the feature you are most excited about for the new release? I am hearing from my clients they are most excited about being able to change the estimate expiration date. What is yours?

EMOJIS!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ

My whole ST life has changed!!! I learned that you can use EMOJIS in tags, and tried it in Chats and I'm not sure how I never knew this, but WHOA!!! This has made my day - who knew? Thank you, Lady Titans Lounge session today for that tidbit!

barbaral by Contributor
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