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scheduling jobs that are on hold

Is there an option for scheduling calls that have been placed on hold to have the hold removed automatically when scheduling the additional job instead of having to remove the hold in addition to actually scheduling the additional job?

aecox by New Contributor
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Dispatch board appearance

The dispatch board is now showing completed calls in a white bubble instead of the blue line and it is very cluttered looking and quite frustrating. Is there a way to change this back? Maybe an option to show the completed calls in the white bubble f...

Dispatch Lagging

Hello Has anyone else been experiancing lagging between the technician's and their Dispatchers. The passed coulpe days our system would almost pause then later it would just zoom through our technician's dispatched jobs all at once. In some cause not...

Patches by New Contributor II
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Grey boxes (non-job events) disappearing

Has anyone experienced the grey boxes (non-job event) disappearing off the dispatch board? It is the strangest thing. We use the grey boxes to block a tech and note that they have that day off. Several times now the box has disappeared and it is only...

bbiswell by New Contributor II
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Dispatch board organization, zones and capacity at a glance.

In our Dispatch board, all our techs are organized into service zones. Within that, each of the techs have ratings, which corresponds to the number of maintenance calls our CSRs can schedule on them. Techs with ratings T1 and MR1 can have up to 4 mai...

donovan_5 by New Contributor
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I love the filter section as we have many different teams and in turn different employees in the office that work primarily with those employees out in the field. I think it would be very helpful to have those filters be able to be permanent per empl...

Dispatch Board Job Pop Out needs.....

Contact info for the customer needs to be added to the Job Pop Out.Add the Customer's Phone# and Email under the Location address.That way it's all 'at a glance' and you don't have to click on the 'Customer' to open ANOTHER window to see it, or click...

LA_Barker by New Contributor III
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Dispatch Board Organization

I was hoping there was a way to change the technician order on the dispatch board. We would like to have our supervisors at the top of their team and unfortunately, that can not be done because their names do not start with the letter A. I can have t...

mseverin by New Contributor II
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