Does anyone have a solution this one? I have noticed that if an estimate is sent out from a technician on the mobile device it will give this "sent a link for e-signatures to the following c...
My technicians can not close out their invoices or change the price or they cant change quantity. This is going on over three weeks and servicetitan has not resolved the issue nor are they keeping us...
Probably my biggest headache with the onboarding process and still, as I make changes in the settings, is not having access to a mobile user account without making my tech sit in the office or give m...
...icture from the app it doesn't let them zoom in and take the picture for cases where they can't get close enough to the what they are trying to capture. I can't confirm if this is true or if they are m...
We are in the implementation stage of ServiceTitan trying to determine the level of detail we can have in our Business Units. We use Quickbooks as our accounting software and have the business ...
Add a large watermark to estimates. Invoices and estimates look the same when sent to customers as a PDF. Our Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) receive multiple calls daily because customers ge...
Is there a way for office staff to access the mobile sandbox from their desktops? I'm frequently getting questions about the mobile app from our techs, but without having access to mobile it's p...
Is there any way I can edit the fields on the technician scorecard? I'd like to edit the fields to show different metrics than what are currently on there. For example, I'd like to show N...
Is there a way to disable technicians' ability to take specific payments in the field? We recently added a surcharge to all credit card payments. We don't want our technicians to have the ability to ...