

Purchase order not able to be used.

Can anyone tell me why when writing a purchase order, with many items on it, you get to then end and it says that the purchase order cannot be used when you press the create button. So I went thru the whole order and now i have to reenter everything ...

geoc24 by New Contributor
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Negative inventory problem

Hello I have a truck I am trying to transfer all product from to the warehouse. As I got to the end I have 19 items that show negative. Looking further into it the problem it shows that it is from a order, but it was a transfer and not an order. I ca...

jessejobe by New Contributor
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Adding tax to a material pushed to an invoice

Our material is setup in Pricebook without task.When we create a PO, we add the tax in the PO.But when a material is added to a job through the invoice page, we cannot add tax. How can this be accomplished?

OHAMarkC by New Contributor
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Lock Inventory Location of Chargeable Materials

This is a post parroting off my idea of the same title. Just posting here for additional reach & see if anyone is experiencing the same issues & ideas for a better workflow. Thanks! I'd like for there to be an option to lock the inventory location of...

keiurs by New Contributor
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Serial Numbers vs Quantity Available

Keep running into an issue where the number of available number of serial numbers isn't matching the number of available pieces of equipment.Has anyone else experienced this? I'm completely unsure why it is happening, and would love a fix that would ...

Pratt by New Contributor
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Does anyone here use Sortly for their HVAC inventory?

Howdy everyone!I have been thinking about Sortly for a long time now, but im not sure if it will 100% fulfill our inventory counting menthods, specifically when it comes to items that are not counted, but measured.For example: wire. Wire is not count...

ssiegfri by New Contributor III
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Resolved! PO number lookup takes focus away while typing

When typing in a PO number for lookup in Inventory, if I hesitate for about 1 sec a selection list populates and takes focus away from the field where I was typing the PO. For someone who is not a fast typist, this really gets in the way because I ha...

All Pipe on Trucks

Just a question regarding how everyone handles any/all pipe on the techs truck. The techs usually use pipe by the foot for jobs. We have 1 stick or a 10-foot piece on all tech's trucks. Would it be better to have 10 1-foot sections on all tech trucks...

Check list

We are finally getting around to updating costs in price book and are starting on the inventory. Wondering is there a check list out there showing each step of the process. I feel sometimes that I am all over the place with what to do first..

lnorse5588 by New Contributor III
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