
Plumbing only Contractor Discussion

Based in Indianapolis, we are a plumbing only contractor on a growth path. Curious as to what other service focused (residential and commercial) plumbing contractors see as their success rate with their estimators. We stand between 32-37% depending o...

Smart Field PDF pulling from Service Titan Estimates

I am looking for some help with finding a way to have a PDF fillable form(non service titan form) smart field line that would pull from the APPROVED estimate task line. Details: When we are out on a job and they need to replace furnace or AC, our tec...

Estimate to purchase order, to booking job

Good morning, My company has recently switched to Service Titan, and I'm trying to get a better understanding of how an estimate for a part we do not stock should be flipped into a purchase order, and then converted to a booking.We have tried two dif...

markravan by New Contributor
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Selling an estimate

Good Morning, I am trying to "Sell" an estimate and I am getting an error message stating that it can not be sold by a non-managed technician. I have never had this happen before in the 2 years that I have worked here. What is going on?Thanks, Dawn B...

Merge estimates

Hello there! I wanted to post an idea that my supervisor had that might be quite helpful if implemented for future builds of Service Titan. You see, when we create two estimates for the same job, sometimes we are able to sell both and often have to c...

Any Other Costco/ServiceTitan Users?

Hi Everyone,I am reaching out to see if there are any other ServiceTitan users that sells HVAC Installations through Costco and would like to learn of their proposal / work order process. Many HVAC companies use the software, PricebookPlus, to propos...

NQ by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Convert and take payment for an estimate at the office level

Hello, new Titan user here. We have a bit of an odd workflow it seems cause I can't find a good solution to the following problem. We are a Locksmith and lots of times our office staff will sell large quantities of padlocks to customers that take a n...

LockLevi by New Contributor III
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