Welcome to Water Treatment User Group!

New Contributor II

Glass_edited.JPGWelcome to our own community of like-minded water industry leaders!    We're excited to learn from others, hear ideas, share ideas, and help others learn.   We hope that this community will provide an opportunity to discuss ideas and share solutions to make us all better in our industry.  

The water industry needs the resources of Service Titan more than anyone, and yet we are unique and often underserved by software systems.    Let’s come together to share solutions, put our heads together, and make our companies the strongest in the industry.  

Here is a place we can ask questions unique to the water industry.   We can share unique things like how we handle delivery routes.   Whether you’re looking into Service Titan, or you’re onboarding and wondering how softener rentals or water cooler rentals are best handled, or you’ve been at this a while and want to hang out with others who are always thinking outside the box, we hope you make this your family.

Please introduce yourself, share what you love about Service Titan, and perhaps what your goals are for your business and software.  


New Contributor

We are new to Service Titan (4 months).  We are a small company in Canada with 10 employees.  This is our 9th year in business.  We are optimistic about what ST can offer our business but are quickly realizing that not everything is turnkey and you really do have to put in the work to make it your own.  Like Justine, I'm interested in hearing other water treatment companies' workflows, specifically for recurring services and route optimization.

@infinitewater Welcome aboard!

Thanks for sharing. We have a couple of blog posts in this group that may interest you:

Recurring Services for Water Treatment
Optimize Technician Route for Salt Deliveries

If you're curious about anything at all, feel free to create a post 🙂

Looking forward to your feedback!


New Contributor III

I am actually new to not only Service Titan, but the Water Treatment industry. I was brought on to Oregon Water Services as a Compliance Manager. Oregon Water Services handles well and waste water system maintenances, system installs, water testing (state regulated, and in-house), and a few other things. I am in the process of trying to utilize Service Titan for many of the processes. My favorite things that I have been diving into are recurring services, memberships and task management. Oh, and also the Next environment. I love being able to test methods out before presenting them to the team. I am eager to learn what other companies do for their workflows, especially companies that deal with permits and state/county regulations. 

New Contributor II

Hi!  I'm Brandon Mantel from Akron, Ohio.    My Company, Donamarc Water Systems, is 39 years old with 22,000 customers.  My claim to fame is that I went out with my dad on all his first jobs.   With over 35 employees, I find myself living vicariously through my team.   I spend more time on my commercial and public water system accounts than my residential accounts, though I love when I get a chance to help someone become happy with their water.   Most of my day is spent managing and solving bigger issues.  I'm currently working on trying to make ST take over alot of what I do as the President, along with developing my leadership team for a lot of the day to day decisions.    

My wife and I have 10 children, with the oldest 2 married.     We married 23 years ago with the desire to have a big family.   We think we made that goal.    

Mantel Family DSC_0053.jpg

I fill my life with work, family, and church.   I do have one hobby - fireworks.  I did not set off a single firework until my mid 30s.    Then I became hooked.   I actually program via computer my fireworks display.   My recent July 4th display was 1140 fireworks going off in 16 minutes.    If people want, I'll attach a link for a 1 minute video of it.   

My goal with Service Titan is to build out my company while increasing customer communication and satisfaction.   I believe that there is so much we can do in the water treatment industry to bring us to the modern level.   I've been using Service Titan since January of 2022.    I really loved the onboarding process, and am amazed at how much there is to offer my business and customers using Service Titan.   I want to move towards automating service scheduling, implement service contracts for a large part of our customer base, and implement smart target advertising.