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ST doesn't currently allow a user to look up an item or similar group of items to see an at-a-glance view of what quantity they have on-hand.

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Former Community Member

If you start an Adjustment, you can key in a part number and it will show you how much of something you have. So, the capability does exist to display on-hand quantity. However, it is a waste of time to start and cancel an adjustment just for this purpose.

Anyone looking to establish a functional in-house inventory needs to know this info, along with purchase history and other things without having to build and edit full reports of their entire inventory.


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Former Community Member

I agree with you entirely. Sometimes I feel like we need to ask for ST to take a step back and think about the simple process without over complicating. If you ever want to connect and discuss best practices, maybe we can come up with some good ideas to give them or even help each other figure out some better workflows.

Have a great day!

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Former Community Member

Thanks, Heather. I see what you mean. I came from a supplier to a mechanical contracting company, and I have been working for years with inventory centric software. So, it's frustrating to see how close ST is to showing some basics of inventory management, and yet come up short enough to make us have to jump through all these hoops.

It's like I said with the Adjustment screen. They have the ability to allow us to type in a part number and see the quantity on hand. Minus having to start and cancel an adjustment, it's quick and simple, and I need that.

We've got a lot of techs with a lot of needs, and I don't have time to generate reports and search through them. I make the time because I have no choice, but I had a few moments this morning and wanted to say something if not for anything other than see if anyone else would like to see this type of change.

Thank you for your advice. Have a great day!

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Former Community Member

If you click into the inventory location you are able to search part numbers or similar grouped items to see quantity and availability. It takes quantity on hand, quantity on hold, and quantity available all into consideration. As well you can click into it further to see all of the history of an item. You are able to create a custom report that will show you the entire life of a product ie: purchase, consumption, who consumed, etc.

I agree that even what I mentioned above isn't ideal and takes a lot of clicking to get into what you really want to see. Perhaps the powers at be could add something into the search feature. Where you are able to quick search an item and it pulls it up the same way that you would search a job number or po.