Call Booking


Making Technician *Required* When Booking Jobs

Can ServiceTitan please make an update to give us the option of making it *required* for dispatch to select a technician when booking a job please? Our team, including myself, have made the mistake of booking a job without assigning a technician on a...

Linking Incoming Calls to Leads

When we book Leads in ST and customers call in for follow ups, we are not able to link that call to the lead like we would to a job, so we need to do the manual call closeout. Is there a way that we can link these calls to Leads?

Add Tags When Building New Customer and Location

Currently, CSRs create a customer profile but must then navigate back into the location and customer account to add relevant tags. This extra step is often missed since it requires going backwards in the process.It would be extremely helpful to have ...

Office Staff Performance Based Pay

Hello everyone. I'm curious if anyone compensates their office staff based on performance. If you do, what metrics do you use? Most importantly, what reporting systems are in place to ensure checks and balances?I've noticed that many reports rely on ...

mrobbi20 by New Contributor
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Home Depot Service Provider + Service Titan

We are currently switching over to ServiceTitan from another CRM. 80% of our business comes from the Home Depot Service Provider program. We are looking for any and all tips for configuring things to work as efficiently as possible! Currently, we are...

Jehess by New Contributor
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Resolved! Business Unit and Job Type Limits Not Being Honored

I had an issue where someone was able to select job type that isn't associated with a business unit. Basically, I have a form that triggers based on a specific job type. That job type is limited to a specific business unit. For example:Business Unit:...

rshultz by New Contributor II
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SOP for using ST

Completely random question but does Service Titan offer up an SOP for using the system? Im starting to write some but it would be way easier if they already have a file in place.

JessicaT by New Contributor
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