

Note settings

Would like to have the ability to make the notes in Bold or add a color to the background so they are more noticeable.

KeriR by New Contributor
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Adding new subaccount for new business location

Hi there! So our company has expanded from Seattle to Portland, and we were looking for a way to split the account into two different locations for easier management. This will tremendously help with organization and management, as it will minimize c...

Turn Off Ability to Book a Job from a Sold Estimate

Good morning,Does anyone out there know if it is possible to turn off the ability to book a job directly from a sold estimate? Our company has multiple divisions; I only want to permission change to apply to the Commercial Department. We use Business...

emmabrda by New Contributor II
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Custom Fields Default

Please create the ability to set a default for a custom field. 

DKK by New Contributor
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Invoice formatting

We do commercial and residential plumbing. Is there a way to format the invoice to show Net 30 for commercial and due on receipt for residential? I have to add those in every time before I can update the invoice to send.

JessicaT by New Contributor
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Screen Keeps Freezing While I'm Previewing A Form

Hey Fellow Titans!I am working on editing a vehicle inspection form with conditional logic. Every time I try to preview the form, my screen freezes and I can't try it out. Anyone else ever had this happen?

Miranda by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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closing a task

Is there a way to see who actually closed a task? Maybe see who and when? Like date etc

NEKAY by New Contributor
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