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i ran a visa thru the ST processor, but paid the wrong invoice. do i have to void the cc pymt and re-run it,or can i unapply it and re-apply it to a different invoice

New Contributor II

Valued Contributor

Agree with Brizylla if the payment has been posted and exported, you would have to do like she says. If it hasn't been exported yet, you can still change it without making it too difficult. I have had CSR's take payments for full accounts on one invoice instead of making multiple payments on separate invoices, so I have had to delete the big payment and split up onto each invoice, same day, before exporting.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hello there! You can definitely move payments around- you would want to add a negative payment onto the invoice that you're removing it from and in the memo indicate that you are moving it to another invoice. Then you can go into the invoice that needs to have the payment and add the payment in there.

Engagement Manager
ServiceTitan Community Team

Valued Contributor

Hello. I just copy the authorization number and delete the payment from the wrong invoice, then apply the payment to the right invoice, put in the authorization number and save it. As long as you have not posted it yet, there should not be a problem.