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We often find ourselves referring customers to others for a variety of reasons (out of service territory, not a service we provide etc) and I'm wondering if there is an integrated Rolodex type feature so we wouldn't be constantly looking these numbers up?

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ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

So right now our systems here don't do anything like that. We here just ask where the customer is and we just know if they are in our service location or not. Now even if you have the online scheduling setup I think it still asks for your location (google schedule integration) and bases it off of the location from what the person says rather than a phone number lookup or an IP address which would also be an issue if the user uses a VPN...

I think a while back I heard in the office of someone calling out of state because they have a house here, which they then told us the location of their house but they ended up being somewhere up north and when it would be winter they would come down to Arizona because everywhere else is cold... We don't miss any calls here just because they are "out of our service location".

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Former Community Member

What percentage of calls is that happening? If it's significant, I'd question where my marketing is promoting the business. In those scenarios I'd be curious how they heard about your business. We deal with the same issue but it's a tiny fraction of total calls. Having a rolodex type feature could mislead where customers are being serviced at unless it can track land lines versus mobile. My wife and I both had Chicago numbers even though we lived in a different part of the state. I'd be afraid we would be marked as "out of service area" and possibly missed.

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Not that I know of. I think it would be a great idea though!