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Is there a way to change the non-job event color?

New Contributor III

Our non job events get blurred between all the "grey" color. I would like there to be different colors applied. "Red" for technician out, "blue" for on call. etc.


New Contributor

We are also interested in this enhancement if / when it becomes available!

New Contributor

Does anyone know the answer to this one?  I would like to change the color of a non job on the board

Hi @ajbrown, I am a product manager for our dispatch board at ServiceTitan. We don't currently have a way to change the non-job-event color, but I've shared your feedback with my team, and we can keep this in mind as we make more improvements to the dispatching experience.

New Contributor

I am asking for a color change from "grey" to another color option. It can be very difficult to see this event when mixed in with the other colors.

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Former Community Member

I would like to know the answer to this, too.