on 03-13-2023 05:18 PM
ServiceTitan is updating the terms of its API and Data Authorization Form in order to more clearly define the Customer Data that Customers are permitting ServiceTitan to share back with Authorized Partners, in an effort to provide dealers with more quality leads.
The revised API and Data Authorization Form clarifies that Customer Data may include information which may contain, but is not limited to, information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular individual or household, or otherwise constitutes personal information or personal data under applicable law.
Once logging into ServiceTitan, your admin will be prompted to agree to the updated data sharing terms. Those customers who do not wish to share their data with Authorized Partners, please send an email to partner-support@servicetitan.com to inform us that you no longer wish to share Customer Data. Opting out of sharing Customer Data will lead to disabling the Leads integration.