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WOULD YOU PLEASE TAKE OFF THE "<>" from Estimate Emails?! It makes customers think they cannot reply to the emails we are sending them when we send them estimates... It is VERY confusing to our customers, They are why we are here.

New Contributor III

New Contributor III

This was a great idea, we implemented it almost immediately after your response.


New Contributor III

Suggestion for a work around we use:

Hello John Doe,

Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this estimate!

We know you have many choices when it comes to who you allow to work at your home. We are grateful that you have given our company consideration for this.

Please find your estimate(s) from Good Company, Inc. attached below!

If you have any questions or concerns about the estimate or if you would like to book these services, please respond back via this email or call our office at 222-222-2222.

Currently we are offering 12 months free financing for those that qualify!


Your Friends at Good Company, Inc.

Click here to view your estimate(s)

Ps. We understand that you may be considering other options/proposals. If this is the case we would love the opportunity to discuss those with you to help identify what the differences in those options may be and what may work best for you.