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Technician Reporting/Dashboard Request (add Material and Labor expense)

New Contributor II

My request: 

Make materials + purchase orders expenses and labor expenses reportable by technician and business unit (and in Dashboards).
Currently you can report on purchase order line items which is by item #, job #, or vendor. 
You can report technician performance on revenue, and many other productivity metrics. 


But you cannot add in material and labor expense to the technician reports that I know of. Why can't you see expenses associated with each technician? - seems easy/logical enough. 
In short, I am just looking to simply see a technician profit and loss. Who is spending more than their peers relative to their revenue generation or count of jobs worked? Who is costing the most labor dollars relative to their revenue or jobs worked? 

Material costs seems to be a completely separate entity from the technician metrics - but it is the technician who is essentially creating the expense! 

You can create a purchase order line item report and group by technician but still you are going to get 1,000 lines of purchases under each tech rather than just a summary of all expenses in the time period. Also, you cannot tie in revenue or margin to this report, so it is material expense relative to nothing without that important context. 

That's it- ability to add material and labor expense easily to technician performance dashboards/reports.