Hey D Riley! Not sure if you found a resolve for this yet but if not I
can help you get this setup in your account. It will save you a lot of
time from manually calculating commissions. If you have any questions
feel free to reach out @ EleazarA@chic...
Hi! We have developed a down payment workflow that will work for you
more seamlessly. If you are interested in learning it, I would schedule
some time with our team at your earliest convenience. If you have any
questions feel free to reach out @ Elea...
Hi yes it sounds like progress billing inside of a project would be very
helpful for your workflow and eliminate the confusion. There is also an
application for payment feature that you can utilize within projects. If
you have any questions feel free...
Hi yes it is always recommended in your pricebook to create an item for
Services, Equipment, and Materials as a "Generic Item" so you can
customize it when building estimates/invoices in the office or in the