User Activity

Good afternoon, is there a report we can attach to the Dashboard that will include all paid/unpaid invoices? We only see our revenue on the dashboard that is linked to paid invoices. We would like to track/see our "daily" revenue including these, tha...
Good morning, is there a way to edit the subject line of my forms email? There is a typo... thank you!
Our outbound calls was turned on this morning, we did not realize this was automatically set to "off". We chose the outbound greeting for customers. We have tested this and it is still not active. How long does this take to go into effect?
Morning! We need assistance merging a location to a new customer, it is showing up correctly in one screen but not reflecting on the invoice under the new customer. Can someone give me a quick answer? Please do not send me a video link LOL... Thanks!
Is there a setting we can change to include attaching invoices when we email a form to a customer? We can send the form when we send invoices, just not vice-versa. Thanks!
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