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Hi! Looking for others that BILL FROM THE OFFICE SIDE! Our techs do not add charges to invoices or collect payment on the job bc we are mainly new construction. How do you tell your techs to "complete" appointments so you can keep track of which to bill?

New Contributor II

New Contributor II

I need help for this as well!! Any more feedback. I just switched from FieldEdge and am afraid this is going to be a nightmare!!

New Contributor II

Hi Britt,

I'm not sure if this process would work for you, but we also bill from the office. Our technicians add the line items, however every job is reviewed before sending / billing to proof-read, enter work order #'s (we work with property management a lot) and send to the correct place. We have all our technicians mark the job as complete, but request another appointment when there's more work to be done. The from the office side when we review the job and add it to the batch, we just add a tag called "Batched" so we know that job has been reviewed/sent/batched". We've been doing it for years pretty successfully. We also collect payment at every visit, unless there's a net30 on file, so we do have tags for "need money turned in" as well.

New Contributor II

To add to question further:

  • If we have a tech COMPLETE the JOB, we are afraid that we will accidently batch those jobs without getting all PO $ or charges in before our weekly batching, which would make it a nightmare to undo (Unless we delay our batching out at least a week?)
  • If we have a tech HOLD the appointment "for billing" option when it is complete, ST auto-creates another appointment, which gets confusing for our dispatchers/office.
  • If we have the tech PAUSE the appointment when it's complete, so that it stands out for us in the office as needing to bill, it still shows up on the techs job schedule and confuses them.

Not to mention I'm trying to make it simple for my techs to use and understand when to select what! So, again, looking for any advice from others that bill from the office side. Thanks!