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Pinned notes

Previous ContributorPrevious Contributor
Former Community Member

Is there a way that pinned notes can carry to another call for the same customer when booked as a project? Example: Gate Codes. Instead of having to keep looking up past invoices for the gate codes... Does anyone have suggestions on where they put the gate code to a customer's community so that it carries to every call scheduled?


New Contributor III

@andreala1 To edit a pinned note, you would either need to be on the "customer" record or the "location" record depending on where the note is located. If you hover your mouse over the note entry, you should see options to "unpin" "edit" "remove". Click on "edit" to open the note entry text box. You can then go into the entry, make your corrections, and resave the note. Hope this helps!

Previous Contributor
Former Community Member

We put that in a note box that you can select pin to top on bill to and you can also select it to pin to location page. and it stays there until you delete it. It can be edited anytime also.

New Contributor

How do you edit a pinned note?

Previous Contributor
Former Community Member

You can attach an alert to the "Bill To" profile used for the customer's community to reflect any lockbox or gate codes. Just click the edit pencil under the community's account and scroll down to the ALERT box. When you type in the code and save changes, it should be reflected across all service address locations under the community's account.