Call Booking


Scheduling Assistant

Just looking to get an idea on the opinion of the Scheduling Assistant tool. How useful has it been for users? Would you recommend it?

No call bubble or audio recording

I have been having trouble with call bubbles not appearing and calls not recording. Last week tech support blamed it on that call bubble glitch however, it happened again today. I had call bubbles not appearing this afternoon and another 5min call I ...

KhianaKlatt by Valued Contributor II
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Trouble with Business Units

When creating a Job for my company all my Business Units are not showing when i create a Job i was concerned that maybe the Units were not active in Settings but when i looked at it all were showing active. Wondering am i doing something wrong. I jus...

dustyeair by New Contributor
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Resolved! Phones

Is there a formula for how many people I need to answer the phones, booking agents? I'm getting 400 plus calls a day and the two i have are not able to keep up. Is there any data out there that gives best practices for this issue?

jcopley by New Contributor II
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Preferred Technician

Let's all admit it... we all have customer's that have a favorite technician. Because of that, we use the Preferred Technician on the customer location. It has been a useful tool for some of our favorite customers. But I noticed since the upgrade, it...

JameeG by New Contributor II
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Where outbound calls live

This seems very basic to me so I want to ensure I am not missing anything...when an outbound call is placed, it is connected only to either the customer page or the location page but not both, right?

MirandaMel by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Call bubble glitches

I know yesterday ST was having trouble with their call bubbles and said they would update us once the problem was resolved. Do we know yet if it has been resolved or when it may be fixed? This morning I am still having trouble and my call bubbles are...

KhianaKlatt by Valued Contributor II
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