IDEA ALERT! In need of votes... dismissed estimates

Contributor II


It's kind of annoying trying to track down or revisit an old estimate once it is dismissed. If you go out on a job and offer estimates, and they all get dismissed, NONE of them show on the job in the office. It looks like no estimates were created.  If they can be labeled "open" or "sold" then why can't they remain and have a status of "Dismissed"?


If we go back to revisit/ audit jobs, we should have access to everything on that job.


Scott Forbes
Custom Climate Concepts

New Contributor II

Please add a separate section on the technician view on the estimate screen for dismissed estimates. The techs need easy access to all previous estimates! From what i see they can only be viewed from the office. 

Contributor II

They remain on the customer page, but they no longer show up on the job page.  I have looked into it.

Scott Forbes
Custom Climate Concepts

New Contributor III

Contact your success manager, there may be an issue with your Service Titan setup. Estimates should remain attached to the job and on the customer page after being dismissed.