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Adding in tips

New Contributor

Would like my techs an opportunity to receive tips when a customer pays. Our old software they would receive tips and was great for our guys as they received more money and they really appreciated it. After switching to ST they lost the extra income they would receive.


New Contributor

Our Team is also very interested in this opportunity. We will use jsoch's suggestion of adding to Tasks and see how it goes. Would be a great function to add into new integrations. Having percentage buttons (15%, 20%, Other) for a customer to add in versus current work around option.

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Hi Kevin,

Were your technicians collecting on the spot or were the payments coming in afterwards? If the "tip" was collected during a payment collection right on site, you could technically create a sales task called "Tip" that the technician could add to the work order. You could set that sales task to pay 100% commission so that way when you run payroll reports you could see all the tips owed to technicians fairly easily. 

If the tips were coming in off of a payment made not on site, I can't really think of a way for that to work with current ST setup but that would be a really great addition. 

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Oh I think this is a cool idea I am surprised there isn't an area of this. You guys could use stuff like Venmo or Apple pay I suppose? If not go ahead and add this idea to the ideas section of the community!