05-20-2020 08:20 AM
05-21-2020 07:23 AM
05-21-2020 07:22 AM
Create an alert
Go to Knowledge Base and search for a lot of different things. This one you can find if you look for "Failed Email". Scroll down some.
05-21-2020 07:22 AM
We were able to set this to receive an email notification. Thanks again!
05-20-2020 01:53 PM
Donna thank you, that would help! - can you tell me how to set this so that I can get an email when this happens?
05-20-2020 01:43 PM
We don't get a report for the failed emails, but we have it set to where when one does get blocked or fails, I get an email letting me know that happened. Then I can go in and find out why. Usually email address is spelled wrong.
05-20-2020 09:04 AM
Hi there! We don't have a report for tracks blocked or dropped email addresses. However, if you are using marketing pro, you will be access a list of emails in the suppression list if you go to Settings > Suppression List.