01-25-2023 05:35 AM
When creating a recall report, it shows the current job as well as the linked previous job number. However it is currently not possible to show the tech(s) that were assigned to the original job. Having all of that information available on the same report would be helpful for training and coaching opportunities. If we already have the linked job, the linked technician should be an option as well.
Summary: Add "Recall Job Technician(s)" to the columns in recall reporting.
12-26-2024 01:26 PM
Scottmel - Thank you for the suggestion - I agree. We want to implement training to prevent making the same types of call back errors in future installations or service calls. It is a time consuming process to research the original technician(s) that caused the call back, considering that only the current technician is displayed on the "assigned tech" area of the recall report.
09-21-2023 10:02 AM
I agree, our 20 year old software before could run a report and show the technician that caused the recall.
08-15-2023 10:53 AM
This is incredibly valuable information and should be available to all users.
01-25-2023 05:47 AM
Hi @scottmel -- in the report template: calls there is a column under job details titled "assigned technicians," try that and see if it'll give you what you're looking for.
01-25-2023 06:18 AM
@Sheena_Palacios unfortunately, the only technician information currently available is the CURRENT technician assigned and not the recall job technician. That's the info I'm looking to have available. Meant to put this in the suggestions for future improvements section
01-25-2023 05:46 AM
Hello @scottmel,
That's actually a great suggestion! You can post the idea at https://community.servicetitan.com/t5/Ideas/bd-p/ideas and others users will be able to vote for it to be implemented in future releases.