Contributor III

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Dashboard Tour:
How To Add a New User to the Dashboard

Discover how to bring a fresh face into the Scheduling Pro Dashboard crew! Whether you've got night owl team members craving Live Voice after-hours updates or Dashboard dynamos ready to rock all the available tools, we've got you covered.

Our easy-peasy guide walks you through the process step by step:

  1. Whipping Up Credentials: Cook up some credentials for your newbie. We'll show you how – it's as easy as pie!

  2. Roll Call in Contacts: Add that shiny new user to your Contacts list. No need for complicated maneuvers here.

  3. Notification Vibes: Tune in to their notification preferences. We'll help ensure they're in the loop, just just how they want.

  4. Schedule Squad Entry: Get your new user all set up on the schedule. It's like giving them a backstage pass to your Dashboard concert.


Who uses this feature?

  • Scheduling Pro administrators


What you will learn:

  • Create credentials for a new user
  • Add a new user to Contacts
  • Select a new user’s notification preferences
  • Add a new user to a schedule

Are you ready? click this instructional guide, and let's make adding a new user a breeze!

SE Dashboard - add new user.PNG


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact support. Submit a Support Ticket

Version history
Last update:
‎11-29-2023 08:28 AM
Updated by: