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What is a conversion rate?

A conversion rate refers to the percentage of people who complete a booking after starting a certain flow. For example, with Schedule Engine, this is usually referring to the number of people who book an appointment after opening or starting the scheduler questions.

You can find data on your conversion rate in your Schedule Engine dashboard under the Analytics Tab.

What is a good conversion rate on the Schedule Engine scheduler? 

We usually see anywhere from a 10-20% conversion rate from opening to booking, on average. The highest we usually see is around 30%, but remember this would be the ideal stretch goal and requires input on all sides (marketing, website, customer loyalty, brand recognition, scheduler optimization, and more).

But wait - the form on my website used to convert at a much higher rate!

A form fill and a scheduled appointment are not the same outcome! At Schedule Engine, we look at the full journey of your customer conversions to get a realistic picture of the performance of your website and schedule tool. Traditional form fill conversion rates are measured based on how many of your website visitors start a form, and then how many complete the form. They do not take into account whether that form fill actually results in a completed booking, generating real revenue. 

Some contractors do find that fewer website visitors fill out Schedule Engine than their previous form. However, the true conversion rate to booked appointments (and therefore revenue) is generally far better with Schedule Engine. 

Form Fill

Schedule Engine

Does not qualify leads

Allows your customer to detail their issue, qualifying the lead to confirm it’s a valuable opportunity

Customers are likely to fill out forms on multiple competitors’ websites, waiting for the quickest response

Customers are stickier - they feel more invested in working with your business after detailing their issue on your Schedule Engine scheduler, and they receive a real booking time on the channel they chose, not a promise of a future phone call.

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How can I improve my conversion rate?

Conversion rate can be tied to many things, including things like marketing and customer sentiment. If you have a loyal customer base, your conversion rate is likely to be higher than competitors, even with the same scheduler. That being said, there are some ways to optimize your scheduler for more conversions: 

  1. Make the scheduler as easy to complete as possible. 

If there are any questions you aren't using the information from, let us know and we can remove them. For example, if you don’t need a photo of a customer’s issue, this could be removed from the flow, as many people might have to stop to go take a photo - causing drop off.  

The faster someone can get through the scheduler the better, but we also don't want to remove any information you need. Also, if you make it TOO easy to run through, that can cause other problems, like bad leads.

  1. Use tactics like deep links to find your customers who are most likely to convert. 

“Deep links" allow customers to open the scheduler directly, instead of going to your homepage and having to find it - reducing clicks and time. By sending a deep link to those already in your book of business, you're more likely to get a conversion (as opposed to a random website visitor). Here is how you can create a deep link.

Example: in your next email, use the "call to action" of SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE NOW and use a link that skips right to the Schedule Maintenance section. 

Sending qualified leads or past customers directly to your scheduler means you have a much higher chance of converting that visitor into a booking.


Have questions for other Schedule Engine users? How have you improved your scheduler conversion rates? Reply below!

Schedule Engine is web-booking software that helps contractors exceed customer expectations. Schedule Engine’s technology meets the end consumer wherever they want to engage the contractor - online, live chat, or by phone. ServiceTitan and Schedule Engine’s partnership is aimed to improve our customers' lives by providing them with the best tool possible to shift their customer booking experience online. Account configuration is required for this feature. 

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‎02-09-2023 11:26 AM
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