As we all begin the new year a positive mindset is the most powerful tool you can have in your arsenal. Take time over the next few days and write out what I will call your 2023 Mindset Manifesto. Or if you like just use mine. Take 5 minutes daily and read it to remind yourself who you are and what you are about. Each of these will keep you in a positive mindset and lead you to remarkable success in 2023 in your business and personal life.
2023 Mindset Manifesto
- Stare fear in the face. So often fear stops us. Instead, live fearless - knowing when to stop and when to move and when to be brave.
- Invest in your friends. Good friends listen and show up. Do the same. Friendship is a give and take give. Friends are the ultimate gift.
- No excuses. You must take care of yourself: heart, body and soul. There is no excuse for forgetting you. Your family needs you to love you with the same tenacity that you love them.
- Guilt doesn't need to dictate choices. Don't let guilt stop you from taking care of yourself. Guilt keeps one stuck.
- Read real books again. Watch a mini-series. Start jogging. Do something that is not work, not chores, but simply that makes you happy.
- Don't short-change yourself. You are amazing.
- Listen more, judge less. Comparison is the death of contentment. Instead of judging, be happy for others. Rely on my team.
- Slow down. Hold hands more. Say "yes" to one more book.
- Create margin in your life. That space in-between the busy and the crazy where you can just breathe again.
- Don't be afraid of "no" and trying. The worst that can happen is that you brush off and try again.
- Be proud of yourself. All the showing up and trying and giving and little things you do that matter so greatly.
- Give to others. Maybe it's not money or time, but sometimes it can be grace extended.
- Be straightforward with your words.
- Love well. Love without fear. Love unconditionally.
- Forgive. This. Over and over. Grudges destroy, forgiving brings freedom.
- Fall 9 times, stand up 10. Don't worry about the falling - celebrate the standing.
- Learn from your experiences and mistakes. They don’t need to define. Sometimes those spaces of experience make us real and in the real spaces we forge connection.
- Take risks. The biggest risk for me in life is the risk of not trying.
- Mindset, mindset, mindset. What one thinks truly is what one believes, what one becomes.
- Be adaptable. Life can change in an instant. (I lived this firsthand in 2022)
- Be a learner, but don’t let learning stop you from acting. Learning one new thing a day at a minimum keeps your mind sharp.
Write your 2023 manifesto. Read it and live it daily. Share it with others so they can help you hold you accountable. Believe in yourself because you are the best you.