New Contributor II
since ‎06-15-2022

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  • 5 Posts
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User Activity

MarketingPro- Is there a way to NOT have reviews requests sent to certain job types? Besides setting up for manual request and not sending the request to some customers, is therea way to automatically skip sending the review request to certain job ty...
In MarketingPro after the initial review request text is sent, Can we have the capability to set up an auto generated review request text or group of review request texts to be sent at certain times of the day to customers? We have better luck with c...
Currently a mobile side user can enter notes and then select from a drop down the area they want the notes to go - Job, Customer or Location. However, Only 1 selection is allowed.Please make it available for mobile side users to choose all 3 or a com...
Please tell me there is a way for my techs to call customers back after an estimate has been sold and the job is completed. Many times they need to follow up and call a customer after the customer has approved an estimate. Support tells me only way t...