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Updated Calendar UI

New Contributor III

Has anybody seen anything or know anything about plans to update the calendar UI? Before ST (and still to some degree) we ran our business out of Apple Calendar. ST obviously adds a lot of features to our workflow we wouldn't have in apple calendar, but we definitely miss the ease of use and the user interface that apple calendar provided. It takes much longer to adjust our schedule in ST versus apple calendar. This is expected since apple spends an insane amount of money on strictly user experience, but just curious if there's any plans to improve how we interact with the calendar. 


ServiceTitan Certified Provider
ServiceTitan Certified Provider

Hi @codybumpus and thanks for bringing this topic to our attention. We are in the process of bringing even more functionality to our users, and our Product Development team regularly reviews ideas submitted by our users, and will often consider them in future ServiceTitan updates! In case you have specific ideas to enhance the calendar UI, I would definitely advise submitting this idea through the ideas portal here:

Be sure to come back here and share the Idea ID (COMMUNITY-I-xxx) so others can upvote your idea!