What information do I need to provide ServiceTitan before transferring my number?
1. Signed LOA (Letter of Authorization) for Telephone Numbers
- Legal document that allows ServiceTitan to request porting the customer’s phone number
2. Signed RESPORG (Responsible Organization) for Toll Free Numbers
- Legal document that allows ServiceTitan to request porting the customer’s toll free number
3. Current phone bill copy
- Customer’s most recent telephone bill or invoice from their current phone provider. Must be dated within the past 30 days.
What are the basic steps in porting?
- ServiceTitan notifies the customer’s current phone provider of the request to port the
customer’s phone number
- The customer’s current phone provider will validate the customer’s information in order
to approve the port request to ServiceTitan
- If any of the information does not match, the port request will be denied
- Once the customer’s current phone provider approves the port request to ServiceTitan,
the numbers will be released to ServiceTitan on the agreed upon date
- Numbers will now be working with ServiceTitan

See Phone Porting PDF for Reference