Location and Customer Profile Contact Methods

New Contributor

What would be PHENOMONAL is if we could have a little sandwich icon to reconfigure the order in which contact methods are displayed. 

Often times we have project managers, property managers, and/or landlords with multiple numbers. Having the priority number being at the top with secondary second and so on would change a lot of brain power when trying to contact properties. 

Outside of deleting and adding information to make it listed the way we want, is there a work around I'm missing? 


New Contributor

Hi! This is a great idea, thank you for sharing! The best place for you to share this is in the Ideas section, that way others can vote and voice their opinion. It also allows our teams to see all ideas in one place, comment, and assess for feasibility. Before creating a new one, please search to see if the idea already exists. https://ideas.community.servicetitan.com/