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Skipped Purchase Order Numbers

New Contributor

I have had to search in ST for some of my purchase order numbers to track them down. On some, I get a message saying "Not Found" meaning they aren't in ST although they should be. A co-worker was told that some of our numbers are getting skipped. How can they skip? Sounds like a glitch that ST needs to fix. Does anyone else have this issue?


New Contributor II

In our setup Service Titan uses the same pool of numbers for Jobs and for Purchase Orders. So if a Purchase Order was created first and the next number available assigned was 12345, then the next transactions created in the system was a Job, the Job would be 12346. Then a Purchase order created next would be 12347. Not skipping numbers, just using the next one available. Also if a Purchase Order or Job was canceled that number would not be available for re-use and you have to search separately in the Canceled section.