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Tracking One Time Maintenances

New Contributor II

I am curious as what is the best way to track the customers who only prefer the one time maintenance or tune-up option since there is no recurring service for that.   There are some customers who do get them done every six months but only want to pay for the one at the time of service.  So I am looking for the best way to track them and the others who may only do one time a year for those services. 


New Contributor III

We are in water treatment. For many of our systems we recommend maintenance every 4 years. And the combination of system types are clients have run across dozens of combinations so no two services really look alike. We are using RSE's to create a reminder, when a service is due, then having to use SMS or email to alert the customers it is time for a recommended service. Then it is on them to schedule. There has to be a better way. These aren't services they pre-pay for.

New Contributor

Hi Paula,

The following is the method I use: 

  1. In the search bar, open the drop-down menu and select "Job."
  2. Scroll down to the "Job Types" drop-down menu and choose "One-Time Maintenance or the name the job type is under."
  3. Continue scrolling down to the "Start From" and "Start To" fields, then enter the dates of the last maintenance period they were performed.
  4. Scroll back up and click the green magnifying glass search button.
  5. A list of one-time maintenance jobs will appear. You can choose to export the file as an Excel document.