Commercial Memberships (Property Management)

New Contributor

Hello, We have Commercial Property Management Companies (many) that manage multiple locations.

This is the scenario:

Management Company A, has location 1 & 2. Management Company A pays for all service work for both locations.

However Location 1 & 2 are responsible for paying for the memberships at their own location. So when we Charge Members we need the Membership to bill to the Location 1 and then the service work to bill Management Company 1.

We also would like all of the history to be maintained together (service work & recurring service work).

Does anyone else have this scenario and if so, how did you address it in Service Titan.

Thank You


New Contributor II

We have this issue as well. The Property Manager pays the invoice, but she needs individual invoices for each tenant for her to bill. The best way we have come up with so far is to have the Property Management as the billing customer, with all the tenants as multiple locations. We then create individual jobs for each location and add them all to a project. The Project will give one invoice to the billing customer (property management) and then it gives us an option to pay multiple invoices. From there we can click on each job and print out the job's individual invoice. The problem is it is very time consuming, especially if there are a lot of locations for that property.

ServiceTitan Certified Provider
ServiceTitan Certified Provider

This is interesting @TWhitmire-Olive , being as all memberships are on a location level it seems like you're halfway to getting what you need because you can add a different customer info to each location. The only thing is that the customer, in your case would be Mgmt. Co. A, will still get the bill because ultimately the customer record is always the "bill to".

I wonder if you can pull a membership location report and send out statements that way?

Either way, I'm following.

Sheena @ NiFT