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Is there any way to make it so the Monthly Membership recurring events do not roll over year to year? We have a "Use it or Lose it" membership policy if the visits aren't used within that year. Currently, the visits keep rolling over to the next year!

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Former Community Member

Yes, I can "Dismiss" the even but I would have to find and locate all those customers after a year of the monthly membership and dismiss all of them. (Waste of time....) We have over 1500 Maintenance memberships....

Hello! Today I am actually on here to try and find an efficient way to surf through visits and dismiss them. You are right. It does not make sense to sort through all the recurring services, there are too many. I have been able to dismiss visits over a year old easily, but keeping up-to-date with dismissals has me questioning if there is an easy way to handle this. 

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Former Community Member

You should be able to 'dismiss' the event!