01-16-2024 07:24 AM
Hi all! We recently started setting up Service Agreements for our commercial customers. Previously, we used a workaround with memberships to adapt to what we needed. Under that old way, I was able to easily dictate what discounts to give and to which categories to apply them. With Service Agreements, it appears that I will have to activate and set up client-specific pricing just to get some kind of membership holder discount. This seems like a slightly burdensome process which leads us to other problems, like permanently assigning a labor rate to technicians (which doesn't work for our company).
Is there any other way to initiate this discount, or is this the only pathway? Thanks in advance!
12-30-2024 01:37 PM
Hey Abbey,
I came across your question looking for the same answer. Did you ever come up with a resolution? The only thing I was thinking about doing was creating a dummy membership to calculate the discount via the pricebook.
When you have a moment, please let me know.
Thank you,
01-23-2024 04:12 AM
Hi @abbeys,
I have forwarded the details you provided to our team of technical specialists and your case is currently under review. The specialist will get in touch with you soon to help you figure out if there is a way to initiate this discount.