10-13-2023 01:49 PM
It is such a pain to set alerts for multiple business units. If I need to create alerts for multiple BUs, I have to do each BU individually. 😞
10-18-2023 05:43 AM
I would vote if the idea is created!
10-18-2023 07:19 AM
I found this idea that covers this!
10-13-2023 03:03 PM
@AKUMP the link is missing the idea #, just brings you to the ideas page. Any chance you still have it?
10-18-2023 07:20 AM
I found one that fits this request!
10-13-2023 03:16 PM
I didn't actually create one, was offering to help if they didn't know how. 🙂
10-13-2023 02:01 PM
Add this to the ideas and I'd vote for it! https://ideas.community.servicetitan.com/ideas
If you don't know how I can help.