Hello!So when I go into price setup and try to change my man-hours from
1 to 2 (for example), my overall price for the service doesn't change.
Shouldn't that price double in its amount? Do I have to change the
overall price of service manually?
I'm Phil Towles (service coordinator) with Eastern Electric Solutions.
We are a small company of 9 employees and are pretty new to service
titan. So far I have just been using it for scheduling. We are about to
switch over our "clock-in" technique fr...
Thank you! I will review mobile clock in/out now1.what do you mean by
paper timesheets?2.what if i dont want ALL of my techs to use the mobile
checkin/out? for example, I have 2 guys per truck. One guy is a master
electrician and the other an apprent...