How do you handle deposits for a sold job? If I batch and export them before the work is done, it will show up in QB as a (-)amount. Thanks

New Contributor III

New Contributor III

For us when a salesman sells a job on the Sales Job invoice we put a task called "Down Payment" and then apply the payment to the sales invoice. We then put a negative task on the installation invoice for the same amount. This reduces the amount owed on completion of the job.

Valued Contributor

@Carrie Dinwiddie? I saw you asked about this on MasterMinds. Maybe this can help?

New Contributor

This sounds exactly what I have been looking for. Can you please send me your notes?

New Contributor III
Hi Donna This sounds like what I am looking for. Can you send me your notes? Thank you for your help and time with this. Julie

Valued Contributor

No problem. Send me an email.

New Contributor III

Thanks Donna

This sounds like what I am looking for. Can you send me your notes?

Thank you for your time and help.


Valued Contributor

We book a job to bill the down payment on. Then change the Contract Balance on the Sold job to what is left. That way, when it is exported, especially at end of month, the sales get accounted for. Just complete it in house and invoice it like below:

Original Contract: $3,460.00

Less Down Payment: -$1,730.00

Contract Balance: $1,730.00

Task would be like, Plumbing Contract and the details would be, Billing for down payment.

Shoot me your email if you want more details. I have notes.

Hope this has helped though.