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How is everybody accounting for labor in quickbooks?

New Contributor II

Labor is a large KPI for me and keeping labor percentages at known and accepted values by department, class or business unit (pick your favorite name).  Service Titan exports labor as one lump sum - not by BU (business unit).  How are you accounting for this in Quickbooks when you would like to see some labor above the line (as cost of goods) and by BU?


ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Not sure if it's the same module, but you will need Earning codes too.  Earning codes are what will match your accounting software accounts.

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

You will need to have timesheet codes activated.  This allows you to separate your labor out the way you want it.  I have Tech & Apprentice labor and PTO in COGS, but the office staff is not.