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Is this for real? Receiving Payments

We have to ultimately “touch” the payment (3) times! Is this for real?1- Receiving the payment in ST2- Depositing the payment under “ bank deposits” in ST (so the reports come out correctly showing what is really unpaid 30, 60, 90days – without this ...


We are coming from using another software that integrated with QB. Quickbooks invoicing, adding credit card info, receiving payments, applying credits, emailing payment receipts, etc etc. was all so much easier and more efficient. Why does Service Ti...

Hide Estimate Total

There is an option to hide line item pricing on estimates. But we need an option to hide the estimate total. In order to show a good better best option on one estimate we would need the customer to ONLY SEE the line item, seeing the total at the bott...

heatherw by New Contributor II
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Credit/ Balance displays

I am noticing on the customers billing page the balances owed and credits available are very small and light grey in color. I feel that they blend into the other information (phone #s and emails) to much, making it easily missed when in the account a...

universe5 by New Contributor
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Invoice Editing Permissions once invoice is Batched.

Is there a way to turn off/revoke individual employee's permissions to not be able to edit an invoice once it's been batched? We've had a few issues lately where invoices have been checked and batched, but not yet exported, and an employee will not n...

ashleyle1 by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Digital Estimate Layout Adjustments

Hello!I was reviewing an estimate for a customer today as the digital version ( and came across a few issues. It would be great if we could adjust the style/layout of the page overall but a big red flag for us is the price ...

Resolved! Project Invoicing vs Job Invoicing

Hello, We are trying to navigate the project screen, we see the option for invoicing through the screen and than the option of course to invoice in the job. Does anyone have feedback on which option is the best way or if it even matters since the inv...

Purchase Orders - Customer Designation

Hello...In QuickBooks Online for vendor bills: the materials exported from ST to QBO - the purchase orders does not reflect the designated customer account it corresponds to after exporting. Is there any way ST can figure out a way to add the custome...

New Payment Module- Need to Revamp

The new payment module - the way it is constructed has added extra steps to my work flowin the past - a credit could be issued on an invoice and then a negative payment to offset the credit ( all done prior to exporting)NOW - I issue the credit - hav...

nw_basne by New Contributor
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