How to fix QuickBooks Web Connector has Stopped Working issue after new update?

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QuickBooks Web Connector has stopped working. What are the steps to fix this issue?


New Contributor

Hi @JosephMoore584 

If the QuickBooks Web Connector stops working, try these steps: ensure it’s updated, restart both QuickBooks and your computer, and check for conflicts with other applications. If the problem persists, reinstall the Web Connector or consult QuickBooks support for further assistance.

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New Contributor II

I have had issues recently as well with our QBO connections with ST. Following for updates.

New Contributor

Interested in this myself. It's not the first time. I logged a chat request for a call yesterday....still no call. This request for tech assistance or for ANYBODY to call me is not the first time either. VERY FRUSTRATING!

Support can be difficult to reach, luckily we have this community. 

I am wondering if I can support in some way, just trying to narrow down what the actual issue is. There are so many connections and data streams that can be causing the problem.