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Former Titan

 Have you noticed something new added to the top navigation of the Community?

We’re excited to introduce the new Groups functionality! 

The purpose of the ServiceTitan Groups area is to bring together users to network and to discuss and collaborate best practices to get the most out of ServiceTitan.

You will probably notice that some are closed groups 🔒 - which means that you need to be a current member of that program & also must be invited to join the group. For now, the groups that anyone can join include:

We have a few more Groups slated throughout the rest of the year and we encourage you to join any of the groups you are a part of!**

Why join a ServiceTitan Group?

  • Enhance your knowledge and skills around a particular topic
  • Meet and network with fellow ServiceTitan community members
  • Have fun and be involved!

We are excited about introducing Groups to the ServiceTitan Community. As with everything else in the community, please follow the Community Guidelines.  If you have an idea for a new group, reach out to us at 📩

**Special note on Spark & Ember Sessions: We are in the process of developing individual groups for all of the different Spark and Ember sessions. So if you see those appear, please wait to be invited by your Spark or Ember session leads. If you have any questions about what Session you are a part of, please reach out to Megan Montgomery (Community username: @mmontgom  ) & Sena Sadeghi (Community username: @ssadeghi ).