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Dispatch note effecting timesheet

New Contributor

Prior to November we were able to put a dispatch note on the dispatch board IE: Tech off / # of offloads / meeting etc.  These notes would fall off dispatch board but stay on the schedule board.  These non job notes are set up as paid so they don't take away from the Tech's timesheets.  We had no issues with this process for our first 10 months.  Now these notes are clocking our Tech's in/out who are not even working certain days. If I uncheck "exclude from reports if tech fails to clock in" it deletes from dispatch and we are not able to reference these notes if needed latere.  Anyone have this issue or any ideas how to keep notes like this.  

Thank you


Office Manager Pro Pumping & Hydrojetting



Former Titan

Hi @officepropump - welcome to the ServiceTitan Community and congratulations on your first post! 🎉

Have you considered using technician shifts which should allow you to leave a note/shift for this purpose on the office schedule board, not dispatch board? If you want to look into shifts, I recommend reviewing this article from our knowledge base:

If this doesn't help, let me know and I'll see if can connect you with a few other experts.