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Debrief Technician/ServiceTitan or Other?

I searched mildly to find if there was a relevant conversation to no avail. We’re a smaller company so obviously messaging systems like Slack and Teams are outside our budget. We use to old school with the group chats and personal numbers but the big...

leac by New Contributor
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Messages column on dispatch board - unwelcome change

Spoiler (Highlight to read)Hello, I would like to request that the messages sidebar on the dispatch board contain a pin so we can pin it to the board and make it more the way it used to be before it became a drop down in the latest update. Hello, I w...

Location Name on 5 Day Schedule

Are there any plans to have the location name as an option to have shown on the dispatch board with the 5 day schedule? This was something CSR could toggle on in the old 7 day schedule but since the 5 day schedule release it will only display Custome...

Priority80 by New Contributor II
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Job Details relating to SPECIFIC Estimate

My Technicians struggle with getting the specific details for the work they need to complete. The JOB SUMMARY is not designed (nor should it be) to contain every minute detail of a job appointment. Currently: Job > Job Details > History > Estimates >...

bren98391 by New Contributor II
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Dispatch Pro Console

Is anybody using it yet?First for context, our team consists of Residential Hvac install and service, light commercial, Plumbing install and service, and Electrical support, service, solar and generator. 4 CSR, 5 dispatchers across all the department...

Customer email response

When a customer responds to an email they received which includes and invoice or estimate, I have no idea which estimate (they sometimes have multiple) or invoice they are responding to. The email that kicks back to us doesn't include the estimate or...

vmcasper by New Contributor
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Cancellations after Dispatching

Hello, I want to see if there is a resolution when my technicians dispatch themselves to a job and the system either auto arrives them, or they click arrive themselves, or sometimes don't "arrive" yet at all, and the customer cancels on the spot or d...

bhubbard by New Contributor II
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Dispatch Calendar Bug?

Hi all,We have a few (but not all) of our dispatchers running into an issue when using the dispatch board. When clicking the calendar and choosing another date within the same month, all is well—but when they attempt to choose a date a few months awa...

LaurenAE by New Contributor
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Blocking Zip Codes from Arrival Windows

Looking for a way to block out of town zip codes from going later in the evening and only being available in the morning arrival windows.Our technicians rotate zones daily and sometimes multiple technicians are in the same zone depending on call volu...