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Invoice Summary

New Contributor

Hi everyone, I am wondering if there is a way for technicians to pin their Invoice Summary into the job notes page other than copy and paste into the notes section? I feel like I have heard of this before but not able to find a way to do this? Any help would be appreciated just trying to find a more simple way for our technicians to see past work beside looking at every single invoice. 


New Contributor

Hello! I would really like some way to automate the summary, or at least have the Customer/Location pages show the Job Summary instead, since we are at least filling that out each time! Right now we have to manually copy/paste either the job summary or the tech notes, and it's very time consuming and not consistent. I woud be interested to have a real solution to this!

New Contributor III

One thing that could help is looking at the equipment service history. The technician can view this in the Mobile view by clicking on History within the job. Then select Existing Equipment. Select the piece of equipment in question and scroll down to the History section at the bottom. They will see all service tasks that have been completed on that piece of equipment.

Note: In order for this to work, the Equipment needs to have been added to the location and service tasks from previous invoices need to have been linked to that equipment. If that hasn't been the case up to this point, I highly recommend utilizing this functionality for increased efficiency moving forward. 

New Contributor

It would be amazing to have the feature!!!

Contributor II

Hi there. There's not at this time! Copy and paste is the best workaround for that. You might want to suggest it in the ideas section for further review. 🙂

New Contributor II

Don't know how to attach the summary but we attach the piece of equipment to each task. This way the tech is able to go to the equipment and see what was done when they go to the equipment.