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Is anyone else running into an issue with non managed technicians not being able to close a job? With the new update, they are having difficulty closing a job from their mobile unless we manually go in and change the technician to a managed technician

New Contributor II

These technicians are non-revenue generating, and we do not want to have them as managed technicians


New Contributor

This is definitely a problem for us as well. Putting a managed tech with a non-managed tech only confuses us on the dispatch page and sometimes we miss the fact that were could have scheduled the managed tech for a job because it looks as if he is already scheduled.  To help us, we put in the Special Instructions for the day of appointment that it is for say...JAMES ONLY---but this only helps if the job is opened or at least scrolled over. 😕

I REALLY wish that the creators who make the program were actually dispatchers or at least know how to make it more efficient for us. 

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Former Community Member

I have had a similar issue with not being able to create an appointment with a non managed tech. So if I want to have a non revenue producing tech to go by and help a managed tech get the equipment set, I can not do it. I am required to put them on the same appointment as the managed technician which shows on the dispatch board as the same length of time. I thought this was the whole point of the appointments update...or was it to force us to make our non-managed technicians into managed technicians therefore doubling our cost for the use of Service Titan.

New Contributor II

What we started doing to overcome this is having the non managed technician click "done for now" and then the dispatcher assigns a managed technician and closes the job out.

New Contributor

This is affecting us. I have non managed technician who isn't able to close out calls he's dispatched too and honestly it is very frustrating. i called tech support and they said there has to be a managed technician on the call in order for me (dispatcher) hit Done on the non managed tech. Not Cool!

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Former Community Member

There has to be time on it. So I dispatched and then completed it.

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Former Community Member

Yes, we are very fustrated with this "Update." This is not how the product was sold to us. Looks like ST wants to increase thier revenue on the backs of current customers.

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Former Community Member

I am!! I haven't figured it out yet