Feature Changes

New Contributor II

Every time a new feature is turned on it has a ripple affect - i.e. reports are removed, staff can't access what they typically need in their daily workflow processes. It would be extremely helpful if ServiceTitan had plans in place to pro-actively look at what turning on a feature will affect, and giving alternative work flow options. Every time a change is made, my staff and I hold our breath waiting for the downfall, and we need to act reactively at that point, often under time pressures due to work flow deadlines. We just recently turned on Configurable Payroll and it affected the time card reports our staff run, as well as there now being no report for Payroll Adjustment Entries. There is always a transition process where the old & new systems overlap, so losing access immediately causes much frustration & extra admin time.


Contributor III

While I know that this is its own pain point, if I can avoid it, I don't ever upgrade to new features without first trying them in the Next system.  If @emilyramirez has good enough CSM's that they can discuss the impact of an upcoming change, congrat's, you are very lucky.  My experience with CSM's is that I can ask specific questions and they can go find the answer, or if I'm really nervous about an upcoming change, they can sometimes arrange a conversation with a specialist, but I have never has a CSM with the kind of extensive system knowledge as this requires.  So, what I do is have our CSM turn the feature on in Next.  A good example is the upcoming implementation of the new payment process.  A very big hole in the new software destroys our ability to handle warehouse box store sales and Rheem Synchrony finanicng.  I have next turned on so I can try various ways to fix the damage caused.  I then run a series of transactions through the new software and browse around the system to see what cascading effects may have occurred.  I agree that this should be ST's job, but having worked with a broad range of software products, I don't think any of the software companies are very good at this.

Mike M CPA & Operations in KC, (go Chiefs)

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

I certainly can empathize with your pain point of configurations causing a ripple effect. I would highly recommend working with your CSM to discuss potential gaps when turning on/off a configuration if you have not done so yet. Our CSM's (Major shout out to our former CSM's Anthony DiDomenico/Peggy Lee & currently Serena Chen) have always been very helpful in outlining these potential side-effects.

Regarding your pain point of no report for payroll adjustment entries, are you referencing the direct payroll adjustments on invoices?

If so, you can use a report with a job template, and the Payroll Adjustments KPI to get the values of the adjustments added to invoices.

Or if you are trying to identify who added a direct payroll adjustment you can use the report template of Office Audit Trail and if you look under action type of Invoice Updates you can export to excel and filter the Action Performed column from payroll adjustment to see the date/time and who added a payroll adjustment to the invoice.