How to resolve QuickBooks Error 6000 83 after new update?

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Troubleshooting Solutions:

QuickBooks Error 6000 83 usually occurs when trying to access or restore a company file. This error is often related to issues with the file path, permissions, or network setup. Here are the steps to resolve it:

  1. Check for Permissions: Ensure that the folder containing your company file has the correct permissions. Everyone in the network should have full control over the folder. Right-click the folder, go to "Properties," and check the "Security" tab to confirm permissions.

  2. Verify the File Path: Ensure that the company file is located in the correct directory. The path should not be too long, and it should not include special characters. If needed, move the file to a different, simpler directory.

  3. Use QuickBooks File Doctor: Download and run the QuickBooks File Doctor tool. This tool can automatically detect and fix file-related issues, including Error 6000 83.

  4. Check Hosting Settings: Ensure that hosting is turned off on all workstations except the server. Go to "File" > "Utilities" and check if "Host Multi-User Access" is turned off on the workstations.

  5. Rename the .ND and .TLG Files: Locate the .ND and .TLG files associated with your company file and rename them. For example, rename "CompanyFileName.qbw.ND" to "CompanyFileName.qbw.ND.old" and "CompanyFileName.qbw.TLG" to "CompanyFileName.qbw.TLG.old." Then, try reopening the company file.

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