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Tracking Extended Warranty/Labor Claims

New Contributor II

Good Morning All,

Our company is trying to establish as many processes we can utilizing service titan for tracking and keeping up with all of our day to day operations.

The way we track our extended warranty / labor claims seems a tad not efficient. how do you guys keep up with all of your warranty/labor claims through service titan. I saw there is a potential roll out coming soon just curious how other companies are doing it.



New Contributor II

Thanks Guys this is a lot of helpful information. What we are currently looking at is similar to these minus the tags. I'm not sure why I didn't think of that. The process we are looking to implement is looking like this.

We have created a report that would generate an email at the beginning of each week for anything with the "is warranty" checked on the job.

We would Create a task for the warranty process and assign sub task for each individual to complete ie Submit parts claim, submit labor claim, create return/dispose of part, track status of equipment, & verify funds have been received.

In doing this it would give a timeline to track were we are with each warranty we have open and can provide notes within the task to see status updates and track until its completion.  I think utilizing some tags would help expedite the front end for processing the returns and knowing exactly what needs to be done without having to dig into the customer file to see their warranty status.


Let me know the thoughts of this or if there is something you think would be missing in doing the task manager process


ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

For us, instead of creating the task to make sure funds are received, we create the Return on the job. That has worked a lot better, and is easier and more convenient to use then the Task Management side of ST. That is just personal opinion though! Sounds like they both would get you the same tracking/outcome. I would mess with it both ways and see if either one works better for you!

Renee Lenox - Service Specialties Inc. | LadyTitans Board Member

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Start to finish: 

We have an extended warranty task that is added on the install job, which auto adds a 10yr P&L tag to the location. Assuming we know we are going to change out a warranty part, we have a "Warranty Part" job type with a required SCA form, we have an alert set on that form to email to our warranty processor, who then files the claim. Since we use inventory in ST we cant list a stock part and then do a return on it because it will cause negative inventory so we just put the credit directly in QB against cost of goods. If we have to order the part we order and list it as "Warranty Parts" which is set up as noninventory and follow the returns process @reneem uses. The techs each have a warranty bin in our shop where they label the failed part with the address incase the manufacturer requires a physical return. 

If we don't know ahead of time to use the warranty job type its the techs responsibility to remember to fill out the SCA. 

Randi Thompson
Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

We track it with Returns. So we added a return type called "warranty claim" This way you can push it through the new return process of waiting on credit and credit received to know which ones you need to follow up with!

We also use tags. We have a tag called 5 year extended labor and 10 year extended labor, this goes on location page with the equipment that has the extended warranty. Then any time a call is booked that tag auto-populates onto the job.

Then we have a tag that is just "part or labor under warranty" the CSRs manually add this any time a job COULD have a warranty claim. Then the person that processes our warranties goes through these jobs (by searching the tag) to make sure that they are all being accounted for. When she/he makes a warranty claim, they add the return that we are waiting on the credit. and will remove that "part or labor under warranty tag" so that way when she searches for the tag, it is only ones that she still needs to check on.

Another layer we added is any pricebook task that is a part warranty task, automatically adds that "part or labor under warranty" to the job. This way, if a job is booked without the tag originally, then it will catch it when the task is used.

I know that was a lot of info in a short paragraph, so if you want me to elaborate at all, let me know!


Renee Lenox - Service Specialties Inc. | LadyTitans Board Member